Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome to Writer's Workshop

Submitted by Tammy DiPonio

The teachers at Paxton School spent their PLC time last Wednesday with staff developer, Steve Peha. One of the Paxton school improvement initiatives is to increase writing skills. In order to strengthen writing for students, teachers learned about the writing workshop model. As educators we talk a lot about best practices, ways to reach our students so that they attain learning goals. The writing workshop model is a best practice strategy that can have a positive impact on students’ writing attitudes as well as performance on tests. Mr. Peha also worked with students on Thurday and Friday while teachers observed. Thank you to Jennifer Day and Mr. Searcey for coordinating this event. We know that this professional development will constructively influence student learning. Hats off to Paxton staff! Steve said that the Paxton teachers had the best questions from any teaching staff in a couple of years!

Visit Steve’s website to learn more www.ttms.org

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Living Ish-ly
by Dr. Mike Reik

Time continues to fly by and we are looking at our Thanksgiving break next week. My days are filled with appointments, meetings, budgets, student achievement goals and strategic planning. Nothing brings me into the real world of education like visiting classrooms and spending time with our students.

Last week I had just that opportunity. Thanks to Mrs. Silver’s first grade class for the invitation to be a “celebrity reader.” To most of these students I am not much of a celebrity, most wonder who in the world I am, but I know of one student who considered it a special treat to have her uncle come and read to her class.

I read the book, Ish, to this group of Siegrist students. We should all take a lesson from Ramon and look at life ‘ishly. It isn’t so much making sure what you say, draw or experience is perfect, but more important that you engage and enjoy all of those things that you do. So, I can say to our students, I am superintendent-ish. Enjoying and engaging in all of my responsibilities, especially being celebrity-ish!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Educators become the students

by Tammy DiPonio

While students were gearing up for Halloween festivities, the Platte County staff participated in a day long professional development day. Pre-kindergarten through high school teachers worked with author and national educational consultant, Larry Ainsworth. One of Ainsworth’s nine books is titled Unwrapping the Standards and is an excellent read.

After Ainsworth’s keynote presentation, teachers and administrators spent time “unwrapping” state standards, determining grade level and content clarity, creating and evaluating what quality assessment questions look like. How does this help our students? When teachers are clear on what they are teaching, they work together to plan for student learning and create assessments that match the intended learning. The goal is to ensure that these best practice strategies are happening in every classroom and reaching every student.

Many of our district teachers also took on the role as presenters. They facilitated breakout sessions on a variety of topics such as Algebra Tiles, Differentiated Instruction, Grant Writing, SIS K12, and Reading Workshop, just to name a few. Our staff was so impressive!

The Platte County School District is proud to work as a Professional Learning Community promoting educators as learners, teachers teaching teachers and continuous improvement… in the end all of this = student success, student achievement, student growth.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Platte County "Outreach"

I thought you might appreciate knowing how your district is being represented across the state. This can be easily articulated by recapping last week and looking forward to next week.

Last week, the board of education and administration presented at the Missouri School Board Association annual conference. The title of the session was, "Enhancing Student Achievement Through Effective Board Governance". The session was very well attended and we were proud to represent Platte County.

Next week, I have the privilege of representing Platte County at the Gifted Conference in St. Louis. I will be presenting on the topic of Virtual Instruction Programs. Since Platte County has developed our own program, I was asked to provide a Superintendent's perspective on the topic.

Representing our District is always a privilege....but I am looking forward to growing roots here upon my return (as long as I can).

Educationally Yours,

State of Missouri Budget

With the Missouri legislative session approaching in 2010, much conversation is circulating in educational organizations about the "State of the State". Missouri is facing some difficult financial times due to a budget that is dependent upon personal income taxes and sales taxes. Since unemployment is up and people aren't spending as much...the Missouri budget will take a hit. Obviously, this is concerning on many levels. As a superintendent of your school district, my concern is focused on K-12 funding relative to the statewide budget. We will be keeping a close eye on what's going on in Jefferson City.

Most of our funding comes locally, but every bit counts when it comes to educating children. I do not want to cause any alarm, rather, it is my desire to keep you informed of all financial developments. While I DO have some level of concern, I am in a familiar place.......appreciating what we have in Platte County R-3 School District. I'll keep you posted.

Educationally Yours,

Monday, October 12, 2009

When Tragedy Hits Home

Most of you are aware of the tragic loss of Kelsey Morris, Platte County High School sophomore student. As a result, the district has a responsibility to take care of student and staff needs as they all grieve in different ways. After a day of orchestrating this effort (with tremendous help from a talented staff), I feel the need to reflect on this loss as a Platte County School District family member, and more importantly, as a father. My reflection reduces down to one single thought and consequently an action. I am living every father's dream and must put my arms around my wife and baby boy every chance I get! I suspect families are, indeed, embracing tonight across our community.

I would like to commend our building level staff members at PCHS and PCMS for putting their proverbial arms around our staff and students as they deal with the loss of Kelsey. Additionally, administrators, counselors and social workers across the district offered their support and resources to those in need. THANK YOU!

I would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to Kelsey's family and friends.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parents as Teachers Program

Thought I would make a quick post on our Parents as Teachers (PAT) program. As many of you know, I am a new parent. As new parents, Ashley and I have many questions about raising our son. "Is it normal when......" or "When should he be________(fill in the blank)", are typical questions parents pose when raising a child. Last week, Peggy Swaney (Parent Educator) visited our family on an official PAT visit. It is validating to meet with someone who has so much experience in working with a wide range of abilities. Peggy and the rest of the PAT staff are able to assist in answering the many questions that inevitably arise. Additionally, they provide literature that identifies benchmarks, nutritional information and opportunities for cooperative play. What a great program!.....and it's FREE! I am proud to say it is ours. If you are interested in knowing more about Parents as Teachers, contact Dr. Hughes at the District Education Center.

Educationally Yours,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Projects Completed!

You may know by now that the projects associated with the 2008 bond issue are substantially complete. This bond issue included a four classroom addition at Paxton, a vocal music room at PCHS, a major renovation to Barry School, parking lot repairs, construction of a bus parking lot and playground renovations. All projects were completed on time and under budget (music to my ears). The facilities constructed and renovated will serve our students for years to come. I would like to thank our dedicated staff for working ON or AROUND the construction projects. Your flexibility assisted on-time completion.

Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Setting YOUR Tax Rate

You may be aware that the Platte County R-3 Board of Education voted unanimously to keep our tax rate at $4.19. At first glance, this seems hardly newsworthy. However, much thought went into my recommendation to the school board. This year, because of a substantial decline in personal property values (cars, boats, motorcycles, etc.), the state tax calculation allowed our district to levy an additional $0.22 without a vote of the people to offset the decreased value. The Missouri calculation accounts for increasing property values and/or decreasing property values through the calculated tax rate ceiling that ensures revenue neutrality. Our Board of Education decided unanimously to approve my recommendation to voluntarily reduce our tax rate ceiling in order to keep our tax rate unchanged from a year ago. This difficult decision was done by taking the following into account:

*The current state of the economy is difficult for our taxpayers. Some parents/patrons have seen no pay increase, some have seen a pay decrease and some have lost their jobs. We understand this is a difficult time to raise taxes. While we could put additional revenue to good use, we feel it is fiscally prudent to tighten up our belt.

*We received additional revenue from the state foundation formula that will allow us to "hold the line" by slightly increasing our budget to accommodate for population increases and annual salary schedule movement (no increase to our base salary). Our budget has increased by 3 million per year in recent years, however, our budget only increased by $600,000 this fiscal year.

*This is a reassessment year. This is important because, due to Senate Bill 711, taxing entities that voluntarily reduce their levy during non-reassessment years will permanently lower their ceiling. Basically, this was an option this year because it is a one year decision. Next year is a non-reassessment year. Recommending a voluntary reduction next year will be a multi-year recommendation. Given the uncertainty of our economy and state funding, such a decision would negatively impact our budget long term.

Platte County R-3 values the confidence and trust of our taxpayers. We have and will continue to work hard at being good stewards of your tax dollars. I will be elaborating on this issue in the next edition of Treasures. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Educationally Yours,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learn Like a Champion Today!

On the first day of school, I made my way through the district....stopping at each building. It was wonderful to see our buildings in operation again.

At Pathfinder Elementary, I noticed a sign above a doorway to Mr. Parker's kindergarten classroom. You may be familiar with the famous sign outside the Notre Dame locker room. Traditionally, the players touch the sign before going out to the field. The picture above shows one of Mr. Parker's students touching the sign before going into the classroom. Nice touch Mr. Parker!

And now....I must work like a champion today!

Educationally Yours,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Everything Makes More Sense......

.....when our children enter the doors of our classrooms. In about 12 hours, approximately 3,500 of the greatest kids in Missouri will fill our district facilities. WELCOME BACK! I will likely not sleep much more than our excited students tonight. I can't help it....I still get butterflies of anticipation the night before school begins. I am looking forward to seeing our kids. I will be in all schools tomorrow at one point or another. Stop and say hello if you see me.

Educationally Yours,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Back Faculty and Staff

ALL staff returned today. We gathered for our district convocation this morning. Aside from some technical difficulties....it was a great day. Always energizing to see staff return. Soon, 3500 students will have us all ENERGIZED. I am looking forward to seeing our student's faces on Tuesday the 25th.

Here is a video clip I shared with staff to provide additional motivation. Warning....this video may result in goosebumps and/or tears. I think you will enjoy this young man from Dallas Independent School District.

Cut the following url and paste in your browser:


Educationally Yours,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Teacher Orientation

New teachers began their careers in Platte County School District on Monday, August 17. Monday is the first of two days of orientation. I had the pleasure of speaking to our new folks on Monday morning. This year we hired approximately sixteen new teachers out of an applicant pool of close to one thousand. Though my interaction was limited, I was impressed with our new staff.

I would like to welcome all new staff to Platte County. I think you will find your career here challenging and rewarding. I am certain that you will quickly adore our students and our supportive community. Best wishes!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Learning Academy

I stopped by a few breakout sessions at our annual Summer Learning Academy yesterday. I was extremely pleased to see the level of alignment to our improvement initiatives. Our teachers were definitely focused and engaged. What a great opportunity for our teachers! Great job to our district Professional Development Committee and the Curriculum and Instruction Department.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Success for Every Student Conference

I returned yesterday from a 3 day conference for school district administrators. This conference is facilitated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The conference was beneficial. I attended sessions on background check requirements, school case law, early childhood education, school finance and legislation. The highlight was the update on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) requirements. More commonly known as the "Stimulus Package", this bill will provide one time money to school districts. While we know that we will receive money, school districts are sorting through the details of spending regulations and reporting requirements (I will add an entry soon on the Stimulus Package and what it means for Platte County).

As usual, I take a lot away from speaking informally with my peers. It is valuable to share challenges and triumphs with my fellow administrators. I get ideas, as well as have ideas validated when interacting with others in the field.

Overall, a good conference.

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Mike Reik

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Metropolitan Schools Hit Hard by Economic Downturn....PCR-3 Holds Ground

A compilation of information from 24 area districts created by the Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City (CSDGKC) paints a grim economic and labor picture in school districts for the coming year.

CSDGKC reports $82.9 million in school cuts among member districts.

"Taking $82.9 million out of our regional economy is significant," said CSDGKC Executive Director Gayden Carruth. "School districts simply cannot provide all of the services children and their parents need when these unprecedented cuts occur. Plus, there is a negative economic impact on communities with cuts of this magnitude."

The impact on district employees is also significant. Including the 100 teachers and $44 million cut from the Kansas City Missouri School District (reported by the Kansas City Star, CSDGKC reports 727 staff jobs have been lost in the Kansas City, MO, region.

Salary adjustments also reflect the economic downturn. These adjustments to teachers salaries started with a state mandate that a .5% increase go to the Public School Retirement System. The result is that many teachers may see their take-home pay decrease. This includes five school districts whose teachers received no salary increase. Most districts report adjustments from .3% to 2.5%, and two districts report adjustments above 2.5%.

For the Platte County School District, the picture is better. While many metropolitan districts are seeing a decrease in property values, Platte County is seeing flat growth. While flat growth isn't generally desirable for a school district that has a growing population, neutral is better than negative. The district has been able to limit cost containment to minimize the overall educational impact. Due to fiscal responsibility, strong reserves and a relatively solid base of state and local money (relative to the current economic climate); Platte County R-3 School District can continue to operate in accordance with the high standards you have come to expect. Yes, it's true, it's still a great time to be a Pirate!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Meeting with the Mayor

Funkhouser that is. Mayor Mark Funkhouser called a meeting with all school superintendents who serve within the city limits of Kansas City. The meeting was yesterday morning at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Facility. It was an interesting meeting. Of course, any time I find myself in a room with the metropolitan superintendents I can't help but learn something new.

The Mayor has a vision of engaging the whole metro region to improve education for Kansas City children. The dialogue was enlightening. No one in the room could argue with the concept of improvement. However, much conversation focused on the "ills of society" and the challenge of educating children who are hungry, abused, neglected and poor.

Don't get me wrong, we have the same "ills" in our district. But I am grateful to work in a district where general speaking......children have their basic needs met. It was validating to see where we are compared to other districts in terms of students coming to school ready to learn.

That's all for now.

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Michael Reik

Monday, July 6, 2009

Why Blog?

The primary purpose of this blog is to journal my experiences at the helm of our beloved school district. You will find posts to be informative at times. Other times, my posts will be reflective in nature and (possibly) thought inspiring. Most of all, I hope this blog will allow us a venue for productive communication. I simply ask that your comments stay positive and constructive. I am a firm believer in the notion, "praise in public....criticize in private". I want to hear all comments that you have, but ask that criticism be forwarded to my email address.

I look forward to interacting with the finest school district students, parents and patrons in the state. Please enjoy my writing and feel free to make suggestions for entry topics.

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Mike Reik